Exercises QA candidates

The main goal of the exercises is to proof candidates soft and technical skills needed for the job. To deliver this challenge, please create a private Github repository, with the name obsidian-candidate-NAME-SURNAME and share it with "usuario Miguel" github user. Once finished just contact the person who sent this challenge to let know it’s ready to be reviewed.

Exercise 1

1.1) Creation of a test case in natural language

  • Access to the page https://www.saucedemo.com/
  • Write a test case consisting of making a purchase.
  • Find a bug in the page. Write a bug task.
  • Make an usability proposal of the page. 

1.2) Creation of a test case in Gherkin language

  • Access to the page https://www.saucedemo.com/
  • Write a test case in Gherkin language consisting in a login with valid data. Two versions are needed: scenario and scenario outline.

1.3) Tester mindset:

  • How many points are there in this star?

  • Given the following user story on saucedemo page, please write 3 questions you would ask Product Owner on refinement meeting:

AS a user

I want to have a personal account

So I can modify my personal data

Exercise 2

2.1) Automation of a test case with Cypress

  • Automation of the test cases written in exercise 1. 
  • It would be only necessary to deliver "cypress" folder. Explicit additional libraries that must be installed.

Exercise 3

We would like you to automate the testing of an API, being as creative as you can with the tests. This API allows nearly unlimited parameter combinations, limiting your test case list to at most 10 test cases and a minimum of 5, covering as many features and corner cases as possible. Please read the documentation first and provide a list of test cases, covering both functional and non-functional. Also use the JSON flavor for the API.

Info: Here you will find the REST API for testing: http://www.purgomalum.com/

Results must be delivered as a postman collection